Where do you want to travel next?
Our vacation planners have many destinations they can help their clients plan trips to visit. We are well-versed in travel as a whole, and many specific destinations. However, sometimes our clients ask for trips to places that we are completely unfamiliar with, and oftentimes, uncomfortable planning a trip to these places for clients. Our philosophy is... You cannot be an expert in the entire world. Instead, we've chosen select, hot, trending places to help our clients visit - with reputable resorts and cruise lines that we have come to know and trust. We may have to decline your vacation request simply because taking on the responsibility of planning something to a place we are not well-versed in is actually a DISSERVICE to you as the client and traveler. We do not consider ourselves full-service travel agents. We are travel agents, but within our comfort zones of destinations we're focused on and trained in. In a nutshell, it's not fair to YOU as the traveler to work with a travel agent who is completely out of their element and uncomfortable planning a trip somewhere they have little knowledge of. Our agency has a diverse group of team members with a wide variety of travel knowledge to many, many destinations within the US and all over the world. And we share information so that our clients have the best help possible! But sometimes a destination is not somewhere any of our team has traveled to, and ultimately it's not a destination we have a lot of information on within our team's bank of knowledge. When this happens we have to be honest with you and tell you that you'd be better off finding someone with deep knowledge of your destination choice. We don't want to lose your business and hope you will see our honesty as value added. And when you're ready to book another destination we want to continue to help you! So please come back and ask again! We only say 'no' when it's in your own best interest. As a general rule of thumb, here is what we can help with: Walt Disney World Resort Disney Cruise Line Disneyland Resort Adventures by Disney - including many international destinations! Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa Universal Orlando Resort Sandals Resorts Beaches Resorts Royal Caribbean International In addition, your own personal Pixie and Pirate Destinations Dream Vacation Planner may be able to help with other destinations. Some of our team has experience with Karisma Resorts, SeaWorld, Princess Cruise Lines, Norwegian Cruise Lines, to name a few. Please don't hesitate to ask your planner about a destination. Hopefully they can help! If they cannot, then they may be able to direct you to the best option. We want to continue working with you to plan amazing trips. And helping you make great memories! Just note that sometimes we do have to say "Sorry, you would be better finding someone who is well versed in that destination." Thank you as always for your support of our small business! We love our clients and appreciate everything that you've done to help us build our brand - including word of mouth referrals! Sending someone our way is the biggest, and best, compliment! Our amazing team of vacation planners love to travel. Whether it's a magical theme park, or a cruise to Alaska, we have great insider knowledge among our team! And this bank of knowledge is shared between all of us.
Here is a 'short' list of where we traveled (whether it was as a work group, or personal family vacations) in 2016:
This goes to show that we genuinely love the experience of traveling in the United States and globally. All of our first hand insight is helpful to our great clients! |
AuthorJoin our crew in our journey to many destinations, sharing personal experiences, and pictures. Archives
August 2017